Sunday, March 15, 2009

Risk-takers are Lion-chasers

Our church, The Rock Church in Monroe, WA opened its 2nd campus in Lake Stevens, a few miles west of Monroe. In Monroe we went to 2 services on Sundays in order to not get too crowded. We've had a vision for a multi-campus church - one church, multiple locations - and God confirmed it was time last fall when we were graciously given the new site in Lake Stevens.

Mark Batterson, in his book, "In A Pit With A Lion On A Snowy Day" says things that just happen in our human lives are coincidences. But things that happen when we are prayerfull and watchfull are called providences.

Although this was just the first service - grand opening is on Easter Sunday - there was an SRO crowd in the Worship Center that seats 100-150 worshippers. I'd say we need to stay in that prayerful, watchfull mode to get God's direction on expansion @ Lake Stevens - first for multi-services on Sunday, then physical expansion. GOD IS GOOD!!!

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